The smart money will be on food. Saturn is in Virgo, Virgo is the sign of Agriculture. It is the sign of a few other items in the news, but let's get with the most basic need of the planet, which is to feed itself. As creatures of a vast devouring capacity, our ability to find food was our first survival tactic, and as everyone who reads, knows, the ability to make food, and keep an extra supply has been the reason for the making of communities, cities, civilization and the wars to take it from each other. The USA has some of the finest and most plentiful soil for agriculture in the world. But big chemicals have been dominating our patterns and mechanics of making food for a very long time. In 2009 a challenge to the chemical industry is looming. That challenge is the rational need for better production, more careful conserving of soils, and finding out the truth about the ruinous use of chemicals in farming. The battle over seed cultures is huge, but covert, and is where the smart money has already made its claim. Virgo is also the sign of system, all systems. That means our physical system needs nutrition, but it also means that all systems are up for review. The way we farm, the way we process, as well as the more publicized way we consume are all "ripe" for change in 2009 as never before. This is what the tracking and interpretation of planets is all about--timing. There are times when good ideas cannot be implemented, no matter how worthy, and there are times when implementation is so ready that any idea will take place because receptivity is absolute.
So this time, this Saturn transit (Sept. 2007 till Oct. 2009) brings a rare, precise and dire moment in the equation between agriculture, water and chemistry/technology. As new and brilliant breakthroughs are occurring in the science of chemistry, so are tragic and horrific losses occurring in the water table and the water mechanics of planet earth. Our brilliance must compensate for our greed in the uses of water, and also in the recognition of dwindling water and vanishing snow and ice packs.
As Virgo rules health, and the caretakers who work in that field, health care is a karmic and time-ordered necessity during this great emphasis on the sign Virgo. But without water, and then without proper means to cultivate the sustaining foodstuffs, there will be no population to keep healthy. Underlying this message is the blaming of the pharmaceutical companies and the fertilizer manufacturers for unmitigated destructiveness in poisoning the planet and its inhabitants. The Saturn conjunction with the USA Neptune has happened before--every thirty years since our beginning, in fact. But this time the conflict can't just sink under a bribe; or be hidden by lies and false claims--this time big chem is being called out by no less than Uranus in Pisces. Truth in the water, fish out of heaven, lightning rods from the sea. The all-seeing eye cannot be fooled and not for long. Life is rising up to make us know, that our responsibility to ourselves has been trumped by our almighty gluttony. Not for the food, but for the easy money, and the wasteful trashing of precious earth. For the investment that will last unto the next generations and profit in multiple ways, buy green, think green and grow your own, or know your grower. That is a little piece, the bigger one is 6 billion mouths to feed, and that doesn't count the dogs in our purses that dine on endangered salmon, and slaughtered horses.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
"I'll hug your elephant, and you can kiss my ass!"
The Bi-Partisan system in American Politics.
Is inherited from our British colonials, and is defined as a thoughtful balance between two essential principles of governing. The republic is the elected few who represent the many, being credited with having a superior wisdom or authority to be more cognizant of what must be done. The democracy is purely the will of the total majority. Mob rule vs. the aristocrats, which must be why I have seen carts rumbling into Wall Street to carry away the CEO's to the guillotines.
We must be protected from the Aristocrats, today's "rich," who have always taken everything because they have easier access; and we must be protected from the mob taking everything through their greater numbers and need. Who rules? The tiger or the carpenter ants? All of this is the reflection of the duality of the universe, which is always in balance. Some of the time the balance is equal at the same time and measure, which is the equation for peace. When the swing is extreme on either one side or the other, time will be the equalizer and the motion is violent. Creation requires destruction, but it does not require war. It takes just as much muscle and courage to swing a hammer, and quarry stone as it does to pull the triggers and bandage wounds. Who started these drug wars, anyway? Fights in the middle east over oil have been going on since the combustion engine in 1908. Both world wars were fought over oil. Oil has backed the currency of the world through the 20th century, and we are running on low. Hence the financial crisis. We could have started the move to a new collateral back on the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction of 2000, but the drinkers from the oil wells were too entrenched. Well, how much is left in the tank?
So the gift of the RNC and eight years of Rove, Cheney and Bush has been to destroy so many ethical principles that a revolt has manifested. Now, in equal proportion to the thievery and deceit will come the restoration and decency. The treasury was emptied, and we have to find the next gold.
Comes now the age of Ethics and it is an accelerated one, imploding on the former age of Power which began in the 1650's with the rise of manufactured power. According to the prophecy, it ended in 1999. We have until 2012 to participate in the Age of Ethics. With this election, we are joining, and must join with the whole world, to solidify the Ethics of our Time. Perhaps now we can empathize with Madame LaFarge, as she sat beside the guillotine, placidly knitting as the heads of the oblivious rolled away.
Is inherited from our British colonials, and is defined as a thoughtful balance between two essential principles of governing. The republic is the elected few who represent the many, being credited with having a superior wisdom or authority to be more cognizant of what must be done. The democracy is purely the will of the total majority. Mob rule vs. the aristocrats, which must be why I have seen carts rumbling into Wall Street to carry away the CEO's to the guillotines.
We must be protected from the Aristocrats, today's "rich," who have always taken everything because they have easier access; and we must be protected from the mob taking everything through their greater numbers and need. Who rules? The tiger or the carpenter ants? All of this is the reflection of the duality of the universe, which is always in balance. Some of the time the balance is equal at the same time and measure, which is the equation for peace. When the swing is extreme on either one side or the other, time will be the equalizer and the motion is violent. Creation requires destruction, but it does not require war. It takes just as much muscle and courage to swing a hammer, and quarry stone as it does to pull the triggers and bandage wounds. Who started these drug wars, anyway? Fights in the middle east over oil have been going on since the combustion engine in 1908. Both world wars were fought over oil. Oil has backed the currency of the world through the 20th century, and we are running on low. Hence the financial crisis. We could have started the move to a new collateral back on the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction of 2000, but the drinkers from the oil wells were too entrenched. Well, how much is left in the tank?
So the gift of the RNC and eight years of Rove, Cheney and Bush has been to destroy so many ethical principles that a revolt has manifested. Now, in equal proportion to the thievery and deceit will come the restoration and decency. The treasury was emptied, and we have to find the next gold.
Comes now the age of Ethics and it is an accelerated one, imploding on the former age of Power which began in the 1650's with the rise of manufactured power. According to the prophecy, it ended in 1999. We have until 2012 to participate in the Age of Ethics. With this election, we are joining, and must join with the whole world, to solidify the Ethics of our Time. Perhaps now we can empathize with Madame LaFarge, as she sat beside the guillotine, placidly knitting as the heads of the oblivious rolled away.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Obama's great destiny with the USA
Barack Obama has an almost perfect Presidential Chart. He has been referred to often during his campaign for office, as being and looking presidential. His balance of the two signs Leo and Aquarius could not be more perfect for our times and for the role of leader of the free world. Leo is a royal sign, symbolized by the Lion. Persons born under this sign have not always lived up to the ultimate dignity and responsibility of royalty, but Obama has wonderful mitigating facets, namely his Aquarius ascendant, which brings the universality of Aquarius, ruler of humankind, to extend his charismatic leonine qualities with perfect grace. At the hour of his birth,just up over the horizon, were two great planets: the giants, Jupiter and Saturn in their once-every-twenty-year-conjunction. These are the destiny pair, bringing responsibility and opportunity together, uniting those qualities for him in a way that accesses true spirit and makes his task a great one. This man has a contract, the kind we astrologers call fated, to lead and to rule. He has been preparing for lifetimes, for this role as leader of a nation that is supposed to be the champion of the Age of Aquarius. He leads at a time when his personality, his intelligence and his grasp of how to make those gifts useful can be appreciated. As all of us have chafed and suffered in the eight years of ruinous administration by Rove, Bush and Cheney--we can see today, that they were the years of punishment so that we could be prepared to accept greatness and real courage when it arrived in our midst.
One of the most uncanny things of all is this following phenomenon: Barack Obama was born with the 18th degree of Aquarius rising. In 1776, at 2:13 in the morning, on July the 4th, the Moon (of the USA) was at 18 degrees of Aquarius. Now the odds for that coincidence defy human calculation. The meaning of the Moon, is the soul, the emotions, the intuitive longing for why we wanted to be born. The United States was born with a soul longing to find an identity that matched our reflected reason for being. The USA Moon is the uppermost planet in our chart, the beacon to the world. In Aquarius it calls for Liberty, Equality and the Universal Hope that all peoples can communicate and live in harmony and usefulness together. This is the lamp that is lifted beside the golden door. It is our yearning to be free, and to share that freedom with each other. Today, in our United States of America, we have the embodiment, the manifestation of our ideal. His name is President Barack Obama. We are blessed beyond our deserving. So let us be his workers for this ideal, his army of citizens who lift ideals above greed, and hope above hate. Barack Obama's ascendant is exactly conjunct the United States' Moon. There is more about this man and the connections of his chart with the chart of the USA. It accounts for the profound emotion felt by of hundreds of thousands of Americans who have gathered whenever possible just to be in his presence. We haven't seen anything yet!
One of the most uncanny things of all is this following phenomenon: Barack Obama was born with the 18th degree of Aquarius rising. In 1776, at 2:13 in the morning, on July the 4th, the Moon (of the USA) was at 18 degrees of Aquarius. Now the odds for that coincidence defy human calculation. The meaning of the Moon, is the soul, the emotions, the intuitive longing for why we wanted to be born. The United States was born with a soul longing to find an identity that matched our reflected reason for being. The USA Moon is the uppermost planet in our chart, the beacon to the world. In Aquarius it calls for Liberty, Equality and the Universal Hope that all peoples can communicate and live in harmony and usefulness together. This is the lamp that is lifted beside the golden door. It is our yearning to be free, and to share that freedom with each other. Today, in our United States of America, we have the embodiment, the manifestation of our ideal. His name is President Barack Obama. We are blessed beyond our deserving. So let us be his workers for this ideal, his army of citizens who lift ideals above greed, and hope above hate. Barack Obama's ascendant is exactly conjunct the United States' Moon. There is more about this man and the connections of his chart with the chart of the USA. It accounts for the profound emotion felt by of hundreds of thousands of Americans who have gathered whenever possible just to be in his presence. We haven't seen anything yet!
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Venus from Hubble

2012 Venus brightest in a century
! Jupiter and Venus Conjunct in Taurus. World money settles.

The Biggest Full Moon?? Are interest rates going to climb?


Venus rising from the sea


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