Earth and Moon

Earth and Moon
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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Aries, God of War, 84 year cycle of Uranus into Aries,

Aries, the first sign of life, April the cruelest month, April Fool's Day, the Zero beginning of the Tarot trumps. The beginning, the new start, the Alpha leader and pioneer of the Zodiac. Here in 2011, more planets are crowding into Aries than we have seen in several lifetimes. The Sun and Uranus have been at the same degrees in early Aries since the vernal equinox. Shock waves are being felt in all forms of life, and new technology, an electrical impulse, and a wave of independence for the rights of the individual are all symbolized by Uranus, now in fire.Jupiter is in Aries, first time in 12 years. Mars is about to move into Aries, first time in two years, and its ruling sign. Venus, and Mercury are also in Aries, and Mercury will retrograde on March 29th, bringing layers and gaps into this wild ride into the brave new world.
Invest in relationships. Watch the people and their alliances, don't trust the ordinary chatter, listen to what is also being said, and omitted. New proclamations are sounding, the chess board is on the move. Cling to the tree, no matter how strong the wind, because all is changing, and the new is the only.

Perigee Full Moon, Planets in Aires, Spring

Oh Glory! How close was the moon to the earth last Saturday? It was close enough to pull souls off of this earth, and close enough to pull our orbits into a new dimension.
The really mighty grab that has pulled the earth apart in the past weeks, is the 180 degree opposition of immense Jupiter and old Saturn. They are in the axis of Aries and Libra, the Alpha and Omega of the Zodiac. Pluto will hold a right angle to these two giants for the next six months, so several times this year planets will cluster around all three of these corners. The Full Moon of March was right along the Jupiter Saturn opposition, and will be again in the Full Moon of April. What these mean for the earth is a maximized stress, brought on by the dynamics of planets in angles. The Geometry of the square, the triangle and the bisected circle is a description of not just space, but action. Orbiting bodies, whether planetary or atomic exchange photons when their movement strikes the perfect degree of the exact angle.
In the human story, there are signs and wonders of no mean might. The earthquake in Japan, is an eclipse-based phenomena, relative to the solar eclipse of July, 2009, which coursed over the island. We look for the tender sensitivity of the degree of the solar eclipse, and then as planets at any time cross these degrees, some major earth disturbance is seen. Bless the heavens and all the earth!

Venus from Hubble

Venus from Hubble
2012 Venus brightest in a century

! Jupiter and Venus Conjunct in Taurus. World money settles.

! Jupiter and Venus Conjunct in Taurus. World money settles.

The Biggest Full Moon?? Are interest rates going to climb?

The Biggest Full Moon?? Are interest rates going to climb?



Venus rising from the sea

Venus rising from the sea


