The stupendous planet Jupiter, once known as the King of the Gods, takes just about one year to travel through a sign of the Zodiac. It is the planet of money, luck, expansion, and growth. We follow Jupiter through the signs and see the ups and downs of the price of real estate, inflation in currencies, and values of varying commodities. When Jupiter travels through good signs for wine, all vintners mark a fine year (the next will be 2010). In 2009 Jupiter enters Aquarius, the sign of technology, air, electricity, communication, and the collective society. Money is lining up to jump into new technology, mechanical, electrical, and organizational in terms of how the groups of humans will survive together. Everyone wants to own a car like the Americans, but that party is slowing down and changing. Fossil fuels are dying in the onslaught of electrical forces, and new engines to drive the people are going collective, rather than individual. It is the Age of the team, not the leader.
In the century that has most defined the Age of Aquarius, the 20th, human society entered the machine age, exploded in numbers, and put demands on the earth for energy that are unprecedented in our history. During that century Jupiter passed through Aquarius eight times, in its orbit of 11.86 years around the sun. 2009 is our first opportunity to feel the potential of the Jupiter effect in technology since the dot.com boom of 2000-2001. Our computers, which are an Aquarian icon, have spawned a generation who do not know a world without them. This group could be the most electrifying force that we have known in human form, Comparisons bring out the generations after great technologies changed the usefulness of human endeavor, fire, the wheel, the horse, sails, navigation, steam power, mass production, and electricity. If we look at the compression of technologies that were introduced in the 20th century alone, we see the astrological case for the dawn of the Age of Technology and Science, the Age of Aquarius. The Jupiter cycle is a small one compared to the 2,000 year ages that mark the changes in vast social culture, but it is not small when shown in our daily lives. It is the drive that will create fortunes in 2009, out of the best that we can make to activate and energize our world. All forms of energy are targeted, and since Aquarius is the fixed AIR sign, the harnessing of Air Power is in everyone's thoughts. Across the Zodiac from Aquarius is Leo, the sign that rules the Sun. Obviously the use of Solar Power has been on the drawing boards for years, but with new chances to refine the resources of the blanket of atmosphere surrounding our planet, the power of the sun makes a mathematical companion to Air. Mathematical, because of the partnership between Aquarius and Leo, with 2009 indicating the preference for Wind. The use of Solar Energy is a bigger deal, it is the technology of the entire Age, the next 2000 years, just as liquid fuel, ruled by Pisces, has been the mechanism of the past 2,000 years. Exploration and travel by water have carried civilization further than anything on land could do, with the Age of Pisces bringing the rise of the great navies and commerce by ship. Since the Age of Aquarius began, in the 20th century, we have introduced travel by air for the first time since the age of Gemini, eight thousand years ago. but that's another story. This story is about Jupiter in the coming year producing and introducing technologies that are roaring to start, that we have dreamed of, and that our children now stand ready to command. In finance, watch for communal real estate, communal systems that produce collective systems of bartering, sharing, and globalizing all our needs. Have you heard about vast warehouses of rental clothes, tools, toys, and gardens, rendering buying and selling obsolete? Different that the communistic ideas of all being workers, this one is a model of all being users. Jupiter in Aquarius will give a laptop to every child, this planet and sign combine money and electronic communication in all ways. There will be new ways not yet thought of, but so profitable. Watch February of 2009 for some of the wildest, truest, and most astounding inventions, ever! Look at trade shows, technology seminars, and legislation involving manufacturing. Some will be the future, some of them will short out. But the best of them will be our new way of living in a very new time with very new needs. The real estate market will stay soft, while collective entities buy it up for countries, corporations, and conglomerates. The next rise in the prices of land and homes will not begin till 2011, nor be felt until 2012. Now the best buys are in farm land, water resources, and transportation routes. Globalization is inevitable, finding our place in the Big picture must begin now, we can't all be like gringos and live on credit much longer. Joining a group will save us from excruciating debt, but there is correction still playing out. It is called recession, depression, and unemployment. What it really is, is change, change in the way we make money. Riches are going to be more shared in 2009, by necessity and by design. Much money will be made on figuring out what team will profit. Buying and selling are shifting, necessities are going to be different. Communication devices are dominant, but water and food are the deeper need, and where the real innovations, or theft can occur. Watch for technology and human commitment appy to food and water, in ways that are a thundering truth, if only we will notice what is important and where it is going. Going is the theme of Aquarius, moving mass quantities of people and things through vast territories, so that going is what we are trying to re-invent.
Obama was born with Aquarius rising, he is the man for the times, and will have a honeymoon with the world in 2009. By 2010, the crocodiles will surface, and the pirates will be gunning for whatever has value, if we are lucky the guardian angels will also be on board, and have a hand in saving us from each other. New times will bring new treacheries. But the gates are awake and the vortex is churning, we cannot stop ourselves, we can only do our best with the blazing sun we've got. Jupiter is composed of burning helium, just like the sun. This astrologer thinks they were once the same body, and the smaller was thrown off the larger, and in turn threw off more particles, like Earth, from his forehead, Mars from his thigh, and Venus from his loins... or, oh, that was the God-- Jupiter...
Thank you so much for posting. We rely on your insight~!
Thank you K and B for introducing me to Starhawk. You will notice that my Blog at Friends of Ko'ox Tun now has a link to Starhawk. Good stuff.
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