The new moon on October 7th coincided with a remarkable other kind of consideration, the beginning of the retrograde phase of beautiful Venus. This occurs every other year, bringing Venus issues, love, value, money and beauty into a backwards review. Now is a time period where values are being reconsidered. Losses of love and value may occur. Most of all, it is a deepening of the ability to look at love and money, your love, your money. You will understand even through pain and deprivation, what love and beauty mean. It is a rare event, causing your intuition to rise with insistence. A part of your emotional self is demanding that you consider it, immerse in it, and ponder this unusual perspective.
Venus is making her retrograde in Scorpio this time, adding a profound and wonderful level to the already obligatory deepening of perspective. Scorpio rules sex, death, and the mutually held values of everyone, and partners especially. This retrograde, being in the sign of power is a loss of power, and re-vamping of power, and a treacherous time to trust other people's intention. Everyone is changing, willingly or not. Venus has nothing to do with will, only the values and desires that drive the will. Will is Mars, the action based on what Venus wants. It is true, Venus is interior to Earth, like Mercury. Those planets carry what is inside us, what we think and care about from birth to forever.
Venus retrogrades happen every 18 months, when Venus crosses either behind or in front of the Sun, from Earth's view. In an 8 year perfect diagram, Venus will make 5 retrogrades, which from space form a perfect pentagram. This means that the signs of the Zodiac which will carry the Venus retrograde are in a formation within the 12 signs, that skips through in a five-fold rhythm. Study the formation of the Rose, it is in a five petaled formation, and so is the Venus cycle when drawn geometrically, and repeatedly.
Your task through this period of Venus-- October 7th through November 18th-- is to look at your worth. What is valuable about you, who loves you? What do you care about that is important? Is it money? Safety? Freedom? Rest? Power? Sex? Admiration? All of these values are eternal, and they come in large and small portions. The proportion of everything is also shifting. The day Venus goes direct, on November 18th, so will Jupiter finish its retrograde phase for this year. Both of them are in late degrees of their signs. Venus will be at 27 Libra. Ah, Libra, balancer, the sign of others, marriage, partnership, and how we connect. Jupiter is finishing its year in Pisces, watery, vague, idealistic, treacherous, and yearning. Making making a very interesting angle to Venus, the 150 degree angle. Not a true piece of the circle but an off-kilter one, called comically enough, a Quinqux.
It is an aspect of adjustment, bringing definite, black and white Libra into a consideration of Pisces, which uses all the possibilities, the dreads, fears, and hopes and dreams. Truth comes in many forms. November is showing us just how many.
The moon will be waxing to full also in that week. The Full Little Bear Moon. Huge shifts will be felt as the Sun leaves Scorpio and moves into Sagittarius. Venus will dust her pretty hands of all these deep, deep, feelings, and begin to lure us back to the surface world, where everyone's face will look different. And you should SEE yours!
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