Earth and Moon

Earth and Moon
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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New Moon in June, Solar Eclipse, Now you see the money, but again, you don't....

On the First day of June at the 17th hour (eastern) will be the Gemini New Moon. There is a partial solar eclipse seen only in Alaska and Northern Canada at this same time, lasting for a little over an hour. A month from now will be another solar eclipse, bringing up the fact that Sun, Moon and Earth have double the amount to chide each other for than usual. In my stormy part of the world (Southern Missouri!) we are certainly looking at signs and wonders of no mean might. Plagues of locusts, two cycles of 13 and 7 years meeting in one gigantic population of whirring huge winged insects, here in June.
Eclipses are equinoctial, they come in pairs,one of the sun, and one of the moon, occurring six months apart. In 2011, there are two pairs of pairs, which can be likened to concentric great cycles meeting in space. An eclipse of the Sun, like now, is a dimming of the ego, a retreat in domination, and can be seen as the elimination of a once visible leader. Personally, this can happen in a familial scale, or professionally in an authority situation. Nationally, this one will affect minor players on the world stage. (hint, eclipse over Alaska)
With Jupiter in Taurus, keep watch over money and valuables, they have great potential for increase right now, even in the face of sudden changes wrought by the eclipse cycles mentioned above. The requirement is a purge (tell that to Joplin)
not necessarily dire, but more like the gardener (Taurus) would do, turn the soil, rebuild it, and match the plants to the times. Here is where we mention the new-world-needs as far as goods, money, and sustainables go. Everything is changing. The old safety is not the next safety. What we require in our daily lives is as different from 10 years ago as the past 50 years have been from 100 years ago.
Eyes and minds must grasp a new need, feel a new community, one that is pulling to a different set of goods, desires and needs. Money is ripe when Jupiter cruises through Taurus. Ripe to invest, ripe to harvest, and ripe to preserve for a new season, a stormy enough summer.

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