Earth and Moon

Earth and Moon
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Friday, May 4, 2012

The Biggest Full Moon?? Are interest rates going to climb?

         The Full Moon of May is called the Full Flower Moon, it is associated with balmy perfumed spring nights, and is one of the most sensual of the year. The Tibetans name it the Full Blessing Moon. It is during this full moon of May that the ancestors come to the highest point of earth, the Himalaya, and give the blessings for humankind for the coming year.
         This full Moon opposes the Sun in Taurus, sign of abundance, beauty, and value, occupying Scorpio.  Scorpio is the point of transformation and sharing of all the substance held at Taurus. This is the marriage point, where one crosses over into the other, and something of value that is shared will bring empowerment.
         The vows of belonging are until death. These two signs are life and death. Taurus of the life giving season rules the throat, which is the organ of death. Scorpio the sign of death rules the organs of life, the sexual organs.  We give value from our lips and our kisses... ruled by Taurus. The kiss is the sexual exchange and if we do not kiss, the exchange is the other Taurus icon, money. Money, love, death and power are the Taurus/Scorpio axis.
          Notice what you care about during this full moon. It is a good time for vows.  The size of this full moon is only minutely larger than usual. The moon will be Perigee, that is, in its 12 month orbit around the earth it will lean closer and father at equinoctial intervals.. Saturday, May 5th the Full moon will be neat the Planet Saturn and the Star Spica
               Investments have just a few weeks to be the best in a decade. The interest rates will begin to scramble and waver by June.  If you can get it now, your investment opportunities will be golden. This is especially true of real estate. Land is ruled by Taurus.  Jupiter has been in Taurus for 11 months, and has only five more weeks in that sign. Jupiter shows us the 12 year cycles of ups and downs in real estate values. Prices are beginning to rise.  Buyers will be coming soon, from all over the map. Spend some good money Now.

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The Biggest Full Moon?? Are interest rates going to climb?

The Biggest Full Moon?? Are interest rates going to climb?



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