Monday, April 27, 2020
Sun Uranus Conjunction, April 26th, 2020
One time, each year, the Sun passes in front of our view of Uranus. Yesterday and today marked that illuminating event. We can expect some news, news of change, of truth illuminated. Maybe we will see an invention of startling impact be launched right now. Notice the information that comes to you today. It has a freshness, an awakening, and it is startling. Today is a day that could change your year. Thunder and lightning are all around as I write, and Uranus rules lightning, and the sign it is in, with the Sun, rules that echo of lightning on the land... Thunder... Taurus.
The discovery of the Planet Uranus took us beyond the seeing of the human eye. We had to invent telescopes to see this planet, and it was found in the 1770's. Also, in that decade were made the first discoveries using electricity. And most famously, in that decade were the political revolutions of France and the Colonies that became the United States.
It is a planet, then, of reversals... finding energies beyond our reckoning, seeing governments and systems overturned with violence and permanent consequences. It is a planet of efficiency, as the energy of rolling is easier than rotating. It rules the place beyond visible structure, Saturn, and it crashes through barriers, rockets through space, and changes time.
It is a planet that doesn't rotate on its axis, it rolls. Uranus is inverted 90 degrees to the elliptical plane, which is the flat horizon that holds the Sun at its center and all the planets of our solar system revolving around it. Uranus rings are vertical, not horizontal. It is the harbinger of difference, of reversals, and yes, of revolutions!
The corruption at the base of our changes today, will rot before it has time to fully destroy the mainsprings of life. It will not kill all the people but it will kill enough to make a gigantic difference.
Uranus entered the sign of money and value in May of 2018, two years ago. It disturbed the status quo, and it really changed MONEY. Uranus spends seven years in each sign of the Zodiac. In Taurus, which rules the values of earth, the values of the time, and the value at the base of our barter systems, this planet will tear up the ground it shines on.
The last time Uranus was in Taurus was 1935-1942. The New Deal. The war for oil. Then was when oil became the base of the barter system.We fought Germany and Japan for the energy to build and destroy. Those seven years of destruction and new technology are being revisited, and lo, .... oil has become cheap, valueless. The Koch brothers, oil running through their veins, have no chance to save their investments in oil.
Planets, evolution, the Ages of the Zodiac roll on, in spite of a marketplace. The planets, in fact, will mirror the changes in the marketplace. Take your stocks out of oil. The new energies are already here, already growing, inevitable, like it or not. The new age is water and air, electricity and wind. Put your sights on the future, it will be lighter and brighter.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Saturn in Aquarius, for a brief while (March 23, 2020 until July 1, 2020)
Saturn the timekeeper
Every thirty years Saturn makes one cycle around the sun, spending two and a half years in each sign of the Zodiac. 2020 gives a double Saturn Message, as the planet leaves its own sign Capricorn and slips into Aquarius for the next few months
We can measure historic events and trends watching Saturn through the signs. It is always the underlying issue of everything else, whether personal or universal. Money and politics respond deeply to the Saturn Cycle, as our current example shows extraordinary wealth, coalescing on itself. The Capricorn trait of hoarding for winter is showing up as a colossal effort to keep wealth intact and separate the mass of money from humanity at large.
Saturn indicates the moral of our immediate time. In Capricorn, where it has been since the Winter Solstice of 2017, it means conserving resources, measuring resources, and rebuilding from the depths and core of what is vital to survival. This includes physical reality, the earth, and its bounty, as well as abstract reality, the rules of law. Law is supreme in Capricorn, and the ultimate law is life.
Saturn in Capricorn is an ultimate reality encounter. We know the lack, the void and the threat. Our mission, is to make foundations and infrastructure as true as possible and to provide for the future. Our time is running out to repair, and maintain. The loss of life this year is a culling and pruning, which Saturn is famous for. It is called the Lord of Karma, and its visage is often the Grim Reaper.
Every thirty years Saturn makes one cycle around the sun, spending two and a half years in each sign of the Zodiac. 2020 gives a double Saturn Message, as the planet leaves its own sign Capricorn and slips into Aquarius for the next few months
We can measure historic events and trends watching Saturn through the signs. It is always the underlying issue of everything else, whether personal or universal. Money and politics respond deeply to the Saturn Cycle, as our current example shows extraordinary wealth, coalescing on itself. The Capricorn trait of hoarding for winter is showing up as a colossal effort to keep wealth intact and separate the mass of money from humanity at large.
Saturn indicates the moral of our immediate time. In Capricorn, where it has been since the Winter Solstice of 2017, it means conserving resources, measuring resources, and rebuilding from the depths and core of what is vital to survival. This includes physical reality, the earth, and its bounty, as well as abstract reality, the rules of law. Law is supreme in Capricorn, and the ultimate law is life.
Saturn in Capricorn is an ultimate reality encounter. We know the lack, the void and the threat. Our mission, is to make foundations and infrastructure as true as possible and to provide for the future. Our time is running out to repair, and maintain. The loss of life this year is a culling and pruning, which Saturn is famous for. It is called the Lord of Karma, and its visage is often the Grim Reaper.
Saturn in Aquarius is a new story altogether. Aquarius rules all of humanity, the global relationships that humans share. It represents the greater social systems, or, How are we all going to get along together? Now, and forever. The fact that an epidemic has brought us all to each other's attention is showing how insistent this planet can be. We could have come together over other Aquarius concerns, like the health of our planet and its ability to support all of the persons depending on this earth, and many have been trying to accomplish just that. The World Mind is also indicated by Aquarius, that is, the frequencies, of all sentient beings, and their collective intelligence.
Is the planet ready to toss off the human race, to save itself? The shouts and warnings are behind us, the apex of the attack and reaction is upon us.
The United States has the Moon in Aquarius, high in the top of our national chart. This is our image to the world, Aquarian, the knower of things, the technology innovator, the lifted lamp beckoning all of the teeming, huddled masses to come here. We are the new age, the one that will hold our history for the next two thousand years. Saturn is giving us a glimpse, lasting only till July, of what we could to to cooperate, enhance our collective world, and reorganize, according to the Human story, the life on earth.
But in July, until mid December, Saturn will retrograde back into Capricorn, sign of the boss, the dictator, the authority, the law. We are in a crisis of who is the law, how strong is the law, can the law be ignored? Well, nature's law is the ultimate, and she will have the final word. Winter Solstice of 2020 will see the final conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. This will show us how far the devastation reached. As Saturn and Jupiter both pass into Aquarius in January, world intelligence will have an opportunity to use resources with an eye to the future. Or will we decide all together to trash the world to the last person, to squander all we have.
The planets are neutral, but they are eternal. What lessons civilization has learned are due, because of cycles, to forever return. A flea on a rat on a ship killed a lot of people just a few centuries ago, Now, a virus on a bat is taking it smaller... but to oh, so many more people.
Friday, April 3, 2020
The Great Year, 2020, Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn and Pluto, all year long.
Its 2020, and where have we been since 2016???
Horrified, depressed. Realizing that the Age of Aquarius has its trials, its wars, its terrors and its own brand of wrongness. The social, humanitarian, communicative, electrical age is moving grandly into the resistance to the obvious, and we see society fighting to the last drop, as social norms struggle to stay in the liquid, watery Age of Pisces. [ 44 BC -1918 AD.]
The Age of Pisces is over, but as the ruler of ideals and deceptions, its flickering..
and sucking like an ebb tide. This year hammers home the inevitable and massive rebuilding of society, humanity, and communication. Dec 21, 2020, conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.
The big picture is that we are changing into the Age of Aquarius..
The year 2000 was collectively used as the marker for the Age of Aquarius to begin. The Ages measure the Great Year of 26,240 revolutions around the sun: the time it takes for the spring equinox to retrograde through the entire Zodiac, staying in each sign relatively 2000+ years. The Greek and Roman period was the Age of Aries, putting humans above all, championing war, conquest and the supreme authority of Man. Iron conquered bronze, 1900 BC to birth of Christ.
The rise of the great religions; the westward expansion of immigration; the use, and end, of slavery, all marked the biggest influences of the Age of Pisces. It has lasted for 2000 years- and in its final moments-is using oil and chemistry to be the source of importance for everyone.
Since the discovery of electricity, the rise of democracies, and the revolutions of France and the USA colonies, we have lived the struggles of the dawning of a new age, a new consciousness, a new point of view. Now, we live in an age of science, Aquarius is an air sign. The air element is associated with the mind, both the world mind, the human mind, and the canopy of air that surrounds us equally, and carries our transmissions of thought and intelligence. This is the mind of earth, the communication of the trees, the soil, the rocks, the biosphere, the oceans and light all working in a great unified sphere.
There is not a month in this calendar year that doesn't bring an astrologer-melting amazing planetary grouping of some kind. The big players are the Giants: Saturn and Jupiter; Matched with the violent planets, Mars and Pluto. Neptune and Uranus have insidious roles, Neptune handing out epidemics, fear, and hidden agendas, Uranus messing with security, money and bringing sudden changes.
Joyous, all of it. I have been seeing and dreading these planets for months, whispering to those who dare to talk to me, some hints....
But I'm tired of hinting, here is what the planets are showing me. I could be more or less appalled, but if I get the virus, here... I said it.
January was the beginning of the Jupiter Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn.!!! and Pluto, the Sun, Mars, Mercury and The Moon shared that place. All the forces we understand were sucked into a potent, concentrated mix, of history, transformation, expansion, violence, communication, love and life. Two very impacting times were most decidedly on the new moons, December 27, 2019, and January 25, 2020. we only have 10 planets, including the sun and moon, seven of them hung together this month. Capricorn rules responsibility and reality. It is the north, the mountains, the winter, the authority above all, that we die in winter, if we don't take responsibility for our sustenance. the year, 2020, brings up our entire social human fabric, torn and filled with disorganization. The sense of Karma, as we sow, we reap is unfolding in our lives. As the earth burns, as radioactive waste pours into the oceans, we are getting reaction. Capricorn is the foundation as well as the crown, foundation and investment in real truth are the tasks of this month and year.
the conjunction still holds, of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, but the big news was Mercury's retrograde through Pisces, sign of water flowing to its source, the circulation of each state of water, germs and chemistry. Mercury's retrogrades are not equal or equally harsh, but when other planets are involved, the effects are expanded. This mercury tangled with the Great Planet, Neptune, ruler of Pisces, now sitting in Pisces since 2011. This sign and its planet rule chemistry, the circulatory and regulating systems of the body, especially its natural defences against disease. The viral explosion was also helped by Venus in Pisces, helping us disbelieve that anything could be so bad. Venus is sweet. Then when the sun went in Pisces on the 23rd, the coverup burst. It became personal, through touch, at the New moon on the 24th. Rumors and misinformation are wildly helped by this configuration.
the conjunction now is visible in the morning sky. Mercury ended the retrograde on March 10th. Venus in Taurus conjoined Uranus in the early degrees of Taurus, the sign that rules money and banks, on March 9-11th. Uranus is volatile, and has been in Taurus since 2019. its orbit is 84 years, so the last time Uranus (sudden change, communication, electronics) transited the sign Taurus was 1925. Uranus stays in each sign 7 years. so 1925-1932. years of the stock exchange boom and bust, and now 2019 -2026. Taurus rules actual worth, not fads or whims. Only things of real worth last through this cycle. Therefore the talk of ideals, love, freedom, and art are everyone's hope.
Mars spent the month making conjunctions with all the Capricorn planets, Jupiter 18-19th, Pluto, 23-24th and Saturn, March 31-April 1st. Mars is energy, translates to action, speed, force, momentum and violence. It also rules blood and is the God of War.
Mars and Saturn have pulled ahead into Aquarius, where they affect the global reach of humanity.
this month will focus on the cooperation, and relationships that are the greater world. The epidemic is poised to wreck havoc on mass populations. Concentrations of groups are highly targeted. The sun in Aries with Mercury favors the individual and solo dimension of society, and the power of the individual to be heroic and dominating. Venus moves into Gemini, where she will stay for months. This will be a time of networking, community, communication through the beneficial, loving Venusian energy, and may bring a solution of a natural kind to a limited number. Not to trust it, though, because on May 14-5th, Venus will retrograde in Gemini, reversing the progress made in late April. be very careful of mistrust fueled by miscommunication, that will erode family groups, neighbors, siblings, and tribal networks. Danger to the grid, and our mass communication systems. Also could be rewarding innovations out of the crush.
"War's brewin." a new kind of war. United States has the planet Mars at 22 Gemini. When this degree is radically focused, we have war in this country. 9-11 was Saturn on this degree, with Mars opposite, retrograde. Now is a different mechanism. Venus will be insidious, benign, hinting no harm, and yet will deliver an invasion of a sweet seeming kind. Her retrograde starts May 15. Jupiter retrogrades next to Pluto on the following day, and money will really start to reinvent itself. No word of that though, until Venus is direct, after June 11th. Saturn also retrogrades, May 11th., holding the background story of the year, Aquarius, take care of the people, and Capricorn, save the gold. The slow backward sweep of Saturn will now gather in the population of the world, and cull until its
finish in Capricorn, Oct 1st. The results of the disaster will begin to be counted. The official version, that is. The true numbers will surface in January of 2021.
Retrogrades of outer planets are not felt as personally as we feel inner planets, Mercury, our minds and our schedules, Venus, our worth and our attractions, and Mars our energy and will to live. Look to September for Mars.
The cheerful time of year, when the sun in lively Gemini goes over the USA Ascendant in Gemini. Our natural immaturity, joy, optimism, and endless need for communication, rallies us. But its a split reaction. Half are optimistic the other half, dead or grieving. Mars will be in Pisces, which can be more lies, deceit and cover ups, as well as an acceleration in infection. It could also be a break through in the cure, but wont be a public event. Mercury will begin its summer retrograde in Cancer, opposing Jupiter and Pluto, divisions are the enemy and divisions are growing like mad.
Mars moves into Aries, its own sign, and new leadership becomes evident. Mercury, still retrograde in the sign of home and family, disturbs home life. Many upheavals in basic domain, until the 11th. Isolation is still in the mix, but it keeps the divisions both active and secret. The Sun and Jupiter/ Saturn will be at opposition all month. Will be a brilliant sight in the night sky, especially as the full moon conjoins Jupiter on the 19th and Saturn on the 22. Invisible Pluto, (a real planet, y,all) holds the solar opposition as well. This is our maximum danger point as far as self betrayal goes, choosing the wrong path, and severing close bonds. Some of it is a trick, but some of it has been in the making twenty years or more. USA very vulnerable to invasion, and usurpation.
Mars sits at right angles to Jupiter Saturn, as they oppose the sun, so the fight is hot. Its status quo, in a way, because this month has no New positions. In fact, its a reckoning time with the events of January, as Saturn retrogrades back into Capricorn, and the blame falls back on its originators. This is about money and resources. They have changed in 20 years, since the last conjunction and more is known and oil is finished. This month sees an escalation or perpetuation of the struggle, fight, battle for the solution to our crisis of humanity. Is money a more basic value than freedom? Is humanity a commodity to be harnessed, or a source for all creation? The severity of the planets of 2020 are nothing but a reflection of how much revision needs to be done, for our species to preserve life and order.
This month is always for the reestablishment of system and routine, so its the marker for the year of whether or not our pandemic is solved and whether or not, war is involved. Was this, in fact, germ warfare? Mars, in Aries, will retrograde in a diabolical right angle to Jupiter: translate:war and money are at war! It,s all about the money, and what will hold up our currency as oil loses to air and sun and water. The world's resources are at stake, and the solutions are fighting between selfishness and universality, the symbols of the Age of Aquarius, the group vs the individual. As if we haven't been seeing this for decades. But in 2020, it's time to make it right, or crash it all. Our resources include our lives, our freedom, our planet and our air. Will we go back to school, or not?
The agreeable, balancing sign of Libra watches the Sun oppose Mars as both of them Square Jupiter and Saturn, with Mars, brilliant orange in the southern sky, still retrograde in its own sign, Aries. The last Mercury retrograde of the year starts in Scorpio, sign of collective trust and money, on October 13th, in a nice trine with Neptune. All will stay covered up, hidden for another few weeks. The infection could mutate, find another level of invasion, or make a last lunge, before it starts receding.
Venus in Virgo will stir up the population in favor of service work, as we review our depleted health system. This could go in several ways, not favorable to insurance companies. The gamble rationale is over, climate change will decimate the old insure you-if-you-dare paradigm, humanity will find out how valuable it is in the game.
Will there still be an election? Mercury has been retrograde in many presidential elections, so that's not enough to cancel, but it helps create chaos! This time it will be stationary (not progressing or retreating) exactly on election day. What the hell. it means either we go nowhere, or its just not even an event. Mars comes out of retrograde, mid month, still locked in the square to Jupiter Saturn, who have not left Pluto's proximity all year. If there are recounts, disparities, they will be declared by November 21-24, as the Sun moves into Sagittarius.
Nothing is really settled. The empty coffers, the missing family members, the friends the jobs the industries, will they come back? Not possible. Not possible to regain the trust in Money that we shared so willingly. Venus and Uranus oppose in the two signs of Money, Taurus (real) Scorpio (whats shared) and so the battle for ownership is still on. Gold? Land? Oil? War? Food? Medicine?
all are being considered for what to build on. Somewhere in there, must be humanity, the ultimate resource for ourselves. The GREAT CONJUNCTION is exact on the Winter Solstice, dec 21st Jupiter and Saturn conjoin at the first degree of Aquarius. Mars and the Moon will be at 22 degrees Aries at the same time, meaning all of us will feel this! some heat, we predict.
What a year. The Old Farmers Almanac, so useful for seeing planets, calls this "the year of our lives"for planet watching. I call it the year of our lives, for world watching. The moral is conserve, love, and remember; these are cycles, they are inevitable, we are making big choices.
Pan, the God of Capricorn, at rest. Roman. St. Louis Art Museum |
The most recent conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn was in equalizing, balancing, Libra, in the year 2000. Every twenty years these two giant planets reach the same point in the zodiac, coinciding their two orbits, of Jupiter, 11.6 years, and Saturn, 29.4 years. Ten years forward, they will sit opposite each other. Because of the speed of these two, it will take the entire year of 2020 for the conjunction to reach its final touch. Winter solstice of 2020, December 21.
so what does it mean?
Well, it means what it looks like, giants are colliding.
These are always socially impacting years, a series of great events, and a change of culture and society that is all encompassing. The effect is so huge, and so enormous, that it takes a look back to understand it. Did we have cell phones twenty years ago? Our relationships have changed because of the events of 2000. Look at the relationship of the press to politics. According to the Press, Gore won the election of 2000. Freedom of the press was a fundamental tenant of Democracy. Without knowing whats going on, the populace has no power at all. Where was social media 20 years ago. All of our relationships took major revolutions from 2000. The present conjunction is not about Libra and relationships, it is about Capricorn, the ultimate responsibility for resources. Just like a visit to the principals office, Capricorn calls us to duty, rules, and responsibility.
This year of 2020, carries the hardest task asked of any of us and all of us. That is, to expand and contract at the same time, in the signs Capricorn and Aquarius. Our natural growth, indicated by Jupiter, is restricted in Capricorn, thwarted in blunt, rule bound way. Obstacles abound, and the right direction is to use the Capricorn super power of law. What law? Ultimately Gods law, which is Nature,s law. The resources so natural to us, have to be guarded, repaired, and built to the needs of our times. The excesses, whatever they are, cannot survive no matter how heavily the Jupiterian theatrics are thrown in. Jupiter is fortune, luck, bigness, money, superior position, the king of the planets. It is bound now, in inhibitions and old, old habits. As Jupiter steps up, optimism is all encompassing, but in Capricorn, the opportunities are shrunken, the laws atrophied, the generosity withheld.
Jupiter indicates money. where the money is, where it it going. the rise and fall of real estate prices follow Jupiter cycles closely.
Last year, in 2019, Jupiter and Money were in the sign Sagittarius, so the money was moving, all over the world. fast and often too fast to trace. Now the money is in Capricorn. tied up. gone. buried. withered. Money now is best used for foundation building, in the architectural, engineering sense. and in the pure sense. Money is looking for its new true source. That has been oil for at least 80 years. World War One, was our first fight over the liquid source that would become wealth for all. The shift to the new source, air, and sun, was in 2000. but we didn't shift. No, we clung to oil, and gave up our democracy.
Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, has been in its natural sign since the winter solstice of 2017. On that day, the Sun, and Saturn shared the same place in the sky, the 0 degree of Capricorn. For thousands of years Astrologers have looked at the Sun's aspects on the Winter Solstice to tell us what kind of year is ahead and what will be the health of the world. The interpretation of 2019's winter solstice group would have to mention that we are bound, that the conserving, deep, gripping hold on life is at a crisis point. As winter measures our resources, so now the earth is measuring. Laws of survival have shifted. We are being taught new actions through old laws. History is mocking our technology. We are being called into account for waste, and for wasting resources. Our crisis was lack of authority, duty, law and preparedness, the best of Capricorn.
Capricorn, the winter solstice sign, represents the shortest day and the longest night. It is the nadir of our growth season, and the measure of our ability to survive the winter and the dark.
Now, in our thirty year cycle of social interaction, and world survival, we are faced with all of our resources being put to the ultimate test of survival.
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Venus from Hubble

2012 Venus brightest in a century
! Jupiter and Venus Conjunct in Taurus. World money settles.

The Biggest Full Moon?? Are interest rates going to climb?


Venus rising from the sea


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