Every thirty years Saturn makes one cycle around the sun, spending two and a half years in each sign of the Zodiac. 2020 gives a double Saturn Message, as the planet leaves its own sign Capricorn and slips into Aquarius for the next few months
We can measure historic events and trends watching Saturn through the signs. It is always the underlying issue of everything else, whether personal or universal. Money and politics respond deeply to the Saturn Cycle, as our current example shows extraordinary wealth, coalescing on itself. The Capricorn trait of hoarding for winter is showing up as a colossal effort to keep wealth intact and separate the mass of money from humanity at large.
Saturn indicates the moral of our immediate time. In Capricorn, where it has been since the Winter Solstice of 2017, it means conserving resources, measuring resources, and rebuilding from the depths and core of what is vital to survival. This includes physical reality, the earth, and its bounty, as well as abstract reality, the rules of law. Law is supreme in Capricorn, and the ultimate law is life.
Saturn in Capricorn is an ultimate reality encounter. We know the lack, the void and the threat. Our mission, is to make foundations and infrastructure as true as possible and to provide for the future. Our time is running out to repair, and maintain. The loss of life this year is a culling and pruning, which Saturn is famous for. It is called the Lord of Karma, and its visage is often the Grim Reaper.
Saturn in Aquarius is a new story altogether. Aquarius rules all of humanity, the global relationships that humans share. It represents the greater social systems, or, How are we all going to get along together? Now, and forever. The fact that an epidemic has brought us all to each other's attention is showing how insistent this planet can be. We could have come together over other Aquarius concerns, like the health of our planet and its ability to support all of the persons depending on this earth, and many have been trying to accomplish just that. The World Mind is also indicated by Aquarius, that is, the frequencies, of all sentient beings, and their collective intelligence.
Is the planet ready to toss off the human race, to save itself? The shouts and warnings are behind us, the apex of the attack and reaction is upon us.
The United States has the Moon in Aquarius, high in the top of our national chart. This is our image to the world, Aquarian, the knower of things, the technology innovator, the lifted lamp beckoning all of the teeming, huddled masses to come here. We are the new age, the one that will hold our history for the next two thousand years. Saturn is giving us a glimpse, lasting only till July, of what we could to to cooperate, enhance our collective world, and reorganize, according to the Human story, the life on earth.
But in July, until mid December, Saturn will retrograde back into Capricorn, sign of the boss, the dictator, the authority, the law. We are in a crisis of who is the law, how strong is the law, can the law be ignored? Well, nature's law is the ultimate, and she will have the final word. Winter Solstice of 2020 will see the final conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. This will show us how far the devastation reached. As Saturn and Jupiter both pass into Aquarius in January, world intelligence will have an opportunity to use resources with an eye to the future. Or will we decide all together to trash the world to the last person, to squander all we have.
The planets are neutral, but they are eternal. What lessons civilization has learned are due, because of cycles, to forever return. A flea on a rat on a ship killed a lot of people just a few centuries ago, Now, a virus on a bat is taking it smaller... but to oh, so many more people.
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