Earth and Moon

Earth and Moon
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Monday, June 1, 2020

The passion of the Multitudes for George Floyd

Saturday, May 30, 2020
We are witnessing the Saturn Return of the LA Riots for Rodney King. Saturn in Aquarius.

          The demonstrations to protest a murder by authorities of an innocent citizen are rooted in the very identity attributed to our nation. That all men are created equal and have a right to life! and not be murdered. Yet they were shifted out of original intent, shoved into violence by those who weren't protesting George Floyd's death, but are exploiting it for harm. Still, the passion is deepening, and the entire story is not nearly finished.
         The whole world witnessed this murder, and now the whole world is replying...
        March, 1991 saw the LA riots over the beating of Rodney King, twenty nine years ago. March 2020 is the Saturn Return of that event, Saturn having entered Aquarius in the earliest degree. The parallel is more than police brutality and race, it is the universal response that reached so many people! The effect of Rodney King has become a foundation point in modern injustice. Rodney King was one brutality stacked upon thousands, but then, as now, it was SEEN. We have the light of the sign Aquarius, which is of all the signs, the human one, lit again. This time, a new media found the crime, and because the new media is in the hands of everyone,  EVERYONE can experience this murder.
And we are.
          The social time of the year during Gemini, late spring, with its mild weather and blooming nature welcomes the weddings, the family groups, as Gemini is the ruler of sisters, brothers, cousins, tribes, clubs, neighbors, networks, community and communication.  But this year, nothing but distortion is occurring in our natural spring urge to meet and connect.  The retrogrades of Venus and Mercury have and will continue to throw reversals, untruths, broken connectors, and lies of a universal sort. The planets are in riot in this month, and have angles so perfect that launching a rocket and tearing down the white house are equally favored. This is a sign of change, restlessness, news, variety, impatience, and constant stimuli. Adding retrogrades of values, and soon, communication, should blow the lid on many, many US institutions of commerce and communication and education.
        Did we mention that Gemini rules the lungs? the sacred moment of first breath, when the soul enters the body matches the exit of the soul.. at last breath. The soul is on fire in the symptoms of Covid-19. Reading the first hand accounts of how it feels to live it and live through it, will make us cherish our every breath. Tear gas, pepper spray, take our breath. Covid-19 scorches our ability to breathe.
     Our murdered George Floyd said, I cant breathe.  It is prophecy.

         Gemini has a great influence on the USA, being the rising sign of our natal chart, cast from the signing of the Declaration of Independence at 2.14 am, a carefully chosen moment. In this chart resides immense wealth, resources, and the ability to protect and grow that wealth: Jupiter, Venus and Mercury in Cancer are in the second house.  Mars and Uranus in the first house are in Gemini, proving our quickness, danger, and inability to be controlled. Right now, the whole sky is in Gemini, the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, for an extra long presence as her retrograde will show 3 passes through Gemini. The present retrograde phase reverses and turns inside out the principles of Venus. Those are values: as in, money, love, beauty, freedom, safety and whatever we cherish. The third phase will be in July, when we reap the harvest of the emotional out-pouring that is tearing our national lies into shreds. This is a chance to see the opposite point of view, the other side of the story.  Yes, we are clashing, but yes, we are hearing, and because of the support of Saturn's position in Aquarius, all of humanity is also aware.

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