Earth and Moon

Earth and Moon
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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Mars Retorgrade, lay down your weapons...

Warnings of strife are going out to everyone born in Leo and Aries! Mars, the ruddy warrior planet is in the sign Leo, appearing stationary in its orbit as seen and felt from Earth. The energy of this cycle is commonplace, Mars makes this retrograde motion every two years in its orbit around the Sun. While hovering on the 19th degree of Leo, the energy imparted to the world is a stillness, but with a violent undercurrent. Mars is the planet of energy, of will, of the way we face the world, and the physical application of our selves to life. Here is the planet of conception, birth, and the courage keep going. Athletes need a strong Mars, and in the charts of champions, Mars is always prominent. The glyph for Mars is the one universally used to denote male, and it is how we use the masculine kinetic outpouring of muscle and blood to situations.
Ambitions run through us in Mars fashion. Depending on the sign Mars was in when you were born, you have will that is aggressive, or cunning, or manipulative. But today, Mars is in full fire, having coursed through Leo since mid-October. Mars in Leo is the glint and glitter of Kings in arms, it operates through the Sun's own sign, and ignites the fires of the hearth and the furnace. Leo is not a war sign, but it is a sign of pride and glory--the so-called rewards of war.
All of us are in a kind of shock, as our efforts are meeting this month with the full stonewall, and resistance that won't reason or indicate a key. The key is silence, retreat, and acceptance. Energy is in a reverse mode now and receptivity is the magical solution. And Mars will be retrograde for the winter Olympics, meeting of the champions of Mars.

Venus from Hubble

Venus from Hubble
2012 Venus brightest in a century

! Jupiter and Venus Conjunct in Taurus. World money settles.

! Jupiter and Venus Conjunct in Taurus. World money settles.

The Biggest Full Moon?? Are interest rates going to climb?

The Biggest Full Moon?? Are interest rates going to climb?



Venus rising from the sea

Venus rising from the sea


