Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Please Don't Tell Me How The Story Ends - Joan Osborne
As I contemplate the ridicule Astrology faces, I am thinking of my 32 years as a reader of charts and destinies. All we need to do to judge whether my astrology is working is to ask all the Leos and the Sagittarians and the Cancers if they could possibly be any other sign of the Zodiac, or want to change. Get your answers?
Now you know. Just ask some Leos. (you could ask other signs but the water signs hedge,or lie, and the earth signs will pretend not to know what you are talking about, and side with the critics, the air signs will just wonder if you are hitting on them)
Astrology uses the seasons, starting with the Spring Equinox on March 21st, as the measure of the Zodiac. Once upon a time it corresponded with the constellations of the same names. That was five thousand years ago. But it still works, it still ticks out the lives, the fortunes, the trials and the triumphs of every person I have ever met.
Astrology is a natural living real thing, and we are all a part of it. These items from Shakespeare are essential to opening up to any knowledge that purports to guide you or your life. from Hamlet: "this above all things, to thine own self be true, so then it follows as night to day, thou canst be false to anyone."
And ever a reminder,from Julius Caesar: " the fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars, but in ourselves.."
So I give you here in the light of the Full Wolf Moon of February, the final musing of an astrologer contemplating a farewell tour in Seattle, Washington, the town that taught me Astrology, gave me thousands of people to test it on, and blessed me with husband and children and friends. The most important rule I know in using Astrology, my astrology, keeping you as the signs you know you are-- is all here, in this, a song,
from Joan Osbourne--
"Please Don't Tell Me How the Story Ends...."
And trust me, I won't.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Definition of Astrology, from the Encyclopaedia Britannica
This article is an excerpt from pages 795-796 of the 11th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica...published in 1910
I use this edition because as a student of Archaeology and Art History-- it is the one recommended during my university. After this edition, history, geography, art and biography were deleted for additions in technology and science.
It is a famous distinction, as any bookseller of any real merit knows.
The ancient art or science of divining the fate and future of human beings from indications given by the positions of the stars (sun, moon and planets). the belief in a connexion between the heavenly bodies and the life of man has played an important part in human history. For long ages astronomy and astrology were identified; and a distinction is made between "natural astrology," which predicts the motions of the heavenly bodies, eclipses, etc., and "judicial astrology," which studies the influence of the stars on human destiny. Isadore of Seville (died 636) is one of the first to distinguish between astronomy and astrology; nor did astronomy begin to rid itself of astrology till the 16th century, when, with the system of Copernicus, the conviction that the earth itself is one of the heavenly bodies was finally established.The study of astromancy and the belief in it, as part of astronomy, is found in a developed form among the ancient Babylonians, and directly or indirectly through the Babylonians spread to other nations. It came to Greece about the middle of the 4th century, B.C. and reached Rome before the opening of the Christian era. In India and China astronomy and astrology are largely reflections of the Greek theories and speculations; and similarly with the introduction of Greek culture into Egypt, both astronomy and astrology were actively cultivated in the region of the Nile during the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Astrology was further developed by the Arabs from the 7th to the 13th century and the Europe of the 14th and 15th centuries astrologers were dominating influences at court.
2pages later:
The endeavor to trace the horoscope of the individual from the position of the planets and stars at the time of birth represents the most significant contribution of the greeks to Astrology. the system was carried to such a degree of perfection that later ages made but few additions of an essential character to the genethliology or drawing up of horoscopes by the Greek astrologers. the system was taken up almost bodily by the Arab astronomers, it was embodied in the Kabbalistic lore of Jews and Christians, and through these and other channels came to be the substance of the astrology of the middle ages, forming as already pointed out, under the designation of "judicial astrology" a science which was placed on a perfect footing of equality with" natural astrology". Partly in further development of views unfolded in Babylonia, but chiefly under Greek influences the scope of astrology was enlarged until it was brought into connexion with practically all of the know sciences, botany, chemistry, zoology, mineralogy anatomy and medicine.
this is a 12 page article, about 1/2 the size of the article on astronomy in the same volume, which has hundreds of descriptions of persons who contributed to various discoveries in the past 300 years.
I use this edition because as a student of Archaeology and Art History-- it is the one recommended during my university. After this edition, history, geography, art and biography were deleted for additions in technology and science.
It is a famous distinction, as any bookseller of any real merit knows.
The ancient art or science of divining the fate and future of human beings from indications given by the positions of the stars (sun, moon and planets). the belief in a connexion between the heavenly bodies and the life of man has played an important part in human history. For long ages astronomy and astrology were identified; and a distinction is made between "natural astrology," which predicts the motions of the heavenly bodies, eclipses, etc., and "judicial astrology," which studies the influence of the stars on human destiny. Isadore of Seville (died 636) is one of the first to distinguish between astronomy and astrology; nor did astronomy begin to rid itself of astrology till the 16th century, when, with the system of Copernicus, the conviction that the earth itself is one of the heavenly bodies was finally established.The study of astromancy and the belief in it, as part of astronomy, is found in a developed form among the ancient Babylonians, and directly or indirectly through the Babylonians spread to other nations. It came to Greece about the middle of the 4th century, B.C. and reached Rome before the opening of the Christian era. In India and China astronomy and astrology are largely reflections of the Greek theories and speculations; and similarly with the introduction of Greek culture into Egypt, both astronomy and astrology were actively cultivated in the region of the Nile during the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Astrology was further developed by the Arabs from the 7th to the 13th century and the Europe of the 14th and 15th centuries astrologers were dominating influences at court.
2pages later:
The endeavor to trace the horoscope of the individual from the position of the planets and stars at the time of birth represents the most significant contribution of the greeks to Astrology. the system was carried to such a degree of perfection that later ages made but few additions of an essential character to the genethliology or drawing up of horoscopes by the Greek astrologers. the system was taken up almost bodily by the Arab astronomers, it was embodied in the Kabbalistic lore of Jews and Christians, and through these and other channels came to be the substance of the astrology of the middle ages, forming as already pointed out, under the designation of "judicial astrology" a science which was placed on a perfect footing of equality with" natural astrology". Partly in further development of views unfolded in Babylonia, but chiefly under Greek influences the scope of astrology was enlarged until it was brought into connexion with practically all of the know sciences, botany, chemistry, zoology, mineralogy anatomy and medicine.
this is a 12 page article, about 1/2 the size of the article on astronomy in the same volume, which has hundreds of descriptions of persons who contributed to various discoveries in the past 300 years.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Happy Chinese New Year of the Rabbit!!

February 3 is the second new moon since the winter solstice and is the beginning of the Chinese New Year.
Rabbit is a lucky sign of the Zodiac and a softly ruthless business sign, one that will switch rather than fight, and comes to guide us through a year with Saturn in Libra. We are all struggling in our relationships, especially political and international ones. Year of the Rabbit is a peace loving year, but we have planets lining up in the sign of war... however will the clever Hare zigzag his way through this brier patch?
Rabbit is the animal of good taste, good manners, and self effacing behavior that wines and dines its quarry, and makes gracious moves, but self-serving ones.Always.
The year has a cunning deception to it, both sides are right, and yet we are called to make individual choices; judgments; and heavy declarations that are for our own individuality. What a split in our worlds, and in our souls this year of the eleven... a number indivisible by anything but itself. A master number... We will feel great changes in the drastic nature of the planets of this spring, but guided by Rabbit, we will find a way. Rabbit is a shapeshifter, one of the night creatures that is deeply connected to the Moon and all its phases.
Use the refining talents of the Rabbit to profit this year, groom yourself, find luxuries that are sustaining and pure. Buy real metals, and fine quality, don't mind about masses of possessions, just important ones. And ones that make you look your best.
In global politics, everyone is lying, everyone is maneuvering, and everyone is wary.
2011 is a balancing year, a pivotal one in the friends we choose, the mates we soothe, and the company we keep. Be a diplomat, expect that no one is quite the master of their fate that they are trying to be. If someone betrays you, it may not have been possible to do otherwise. Look large and wide for reasons for things, nothing will ever be the same, and a new village is being born.
There are five elements in the Chinese signs, wood, water, fire, wind and metal. This is the Year of the Metal Rabbit. Machines, metals, structure, and infrastructure are being made, bought and bargained for. Keep to the core of your wealth, and your values. Substance counts. And you might get lucky...
The 5,000 years of the Western Zodiac.

We talk about the Age of Aquarius, and everyone seems to know what that is--we are in the age of technology, total global communication, electronics to amaze us proliferating daily and a world full of more humans than ever before in history. Each of these are defining items of the Astrological Sign of Aquarius.
In our time, which is the Age of Aquarius, the first day of Spring, March 21st, when day and night hours are exactly equal, lines up with the late degrees of the Aquarius Constellation.
Two such Ages have passed since the equinoctial moment of spring lined up with the first degrees of the Constellation, Aries.We call the month holding the beginning of the Zodiac March, afrter the planet Mars, ruler of Aries. The Age of Aries was the age known by its most prominent people, the Greeks and Romans. It was from roughly 2,000 B.C. to the Birth of Christ which ushered in the Age of Pisces, (the Fishes) called the Age of Faith.
What we have found in these five thousand years is that people and life on earth do correspond to the Greek Model of the Seasons. Those born after the first day of spring, do behave in the up rushing fiery behavior of that season. We are molded by our seasons, just as the animal and human icons of each following sign describe the behavior and character of that season. It is more profound though, when we begin to look into the layers of symbolism in each sign. As Aries pushes in the first life of the year, Taurus stabilizes it in the planting and flowering of mid spring. Each sign of the solar year is a representation of the orientation of earth and sun, sun and galaxy, with moving planets stirring up extra correlations as they also occupy places around the Zodiac circle.
This Zodiac used by Western Astrologers, that is, European and American, is called the Tropical Zodiac. It uses the constellation names that the early Greeks, Egyptians, and Persians named in their time 5,000 years ago. The Zodiac that uses the actual constellations is called the Sideral (a word meaning solar). Hindu Astrologers use this measurement and they call their method Vedic Astrology. All computer programs can cast your birth data in either the Tropical or the Sidereal Zodiac. There is no question or mistake. For five thousand years this observation of people, births, deaths, events and histories have shown us this cosmic order, and it has proven its truth in every consideration.
When Astrology is discredited, as this recent press has suggested, be aware of why this kind of information is being planted. It has happened many times before, like in the Inquisition of the Catholic Church, the Reformation, and the rise of Fascism in the 20th century. Literally Astrology is the study of the stars-- and their effect on us. Astronomy, the child of astrology is the measurement of the stars. Doesn't care about meaning, just data. Empty study, no personal connections.
The wisdom of knowing the timing of the moon, earth, seasons, and planets is a guide to the rhythm of life in its most expansive. To suppress this information is to take away nature from humankind, and to supplant instinct with robotic control.
Astrology never gets media attention, why bring up a question that is five thousand years out of date?
Those of us who have studied,the Zodiac through deliberate observation, and have also studied history, art, archaeology, anthropology, literature, linguistics, and earth sciences find that the unifying backdrop of all of it, is the solar system and its measurable, eternal timing. There are precious few of us who have delved this thoroughly into the earth's story. Why didn't they ask me? Because I know the real story. And that one was a planted lie. Why now? What are we not supposed to know?
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Venus from Hubble

2012 Venus brightest in a century
! Jupiter and Venus Conjunct in Taurus. World money settles.

The Biggest Full Moon?? Are interest rates going to climb?


Venus rising from the sea


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- Zodiac is unchanged. hoax of 13 signs. Astrology discredited. (1)