We talk about the Age of Aquarius, and everyone seems to know what that is--we are in the age of technology, total global communication, electronics to amaze us proliferating daily and a world full of more humans than ever before in history. Each of these are defining items of the Astrological Sign of Aquarius.
In our time, which is the Age of Aquarius, the first day of Spring, March 21st, when day and night hours are exactly equal, lines up with the late degrees of the Aquarius Constellation.
Two such Ages have passed since the equinoctial moment of spring lined up with the first degrees of the Constellation, Aries.We call the month holding the beginning of the Zodiac March, afrter the planet Mars, ruler of Aries. The Age of Aries was the age known by its most prominent people, the Greeks and Romans. It was from roughly 2,000 B.C. to the Birth of Christ which ushered in the Age of Pisces, (the Fishes) called the Age of Faith.
What we have found in these five thousand years is that people and life on earth do correspond to the Greek Model of the Seasons. Those born after the first day of spring, do behave in the up rushing fiery behavior of that season. We are molded by our seasons, just as the animal and human icons of each following sign describe the behavior and character of that season. It is more profound though, when we begin to look into the layers of symbolism in each sign. As Aries pushes in the first life of the year, Taurus stabilizes it in the planting and flowering of mid spring. Each sign of the solar year is a representation of the orientation of earth and sun, sun and galaxy, with moving planets stirring up extra correlations as they also occupy places around the Zodiac circle.
This Zodiac used by Western Astrologers, that is, European and American, is called the Tropical Zodiac. It uses the constellation names that the early Greeks, Egyptians, and Persians named in their time 5,000 years ago. The Zodiac that uses the actual constellations is called the Sideral (a word meaning solar). Hindu Astrologers use this measurement and they call their method Vedic Astrology. All computer programs can cast your birth data in either the Tropical or the Sidereal Zodiac. There is no question or mistake. For five thousand years this observation of people, births, deaths, events and histories have shown us this cosmic order, and it has proven its truth in every consideration.
When Astrology is discredited, as this recent press has suggested, be aware of why this kind of information is being planted. It has happened many times before, like in the Inquisition of the Catholic Church, the Reformation, and the rise of Fascism in the 20th century. Literally Astrology is the study of the stars-- and their effect on us. Astronomy, the child of astrology is the measurement of the stars. Doesn't care about meaning, just data. Empty study, no personal connections.
The wisdom of knowing the timing of the moon, earth, seasons, and planets is a guide to the rhythm of life in its most expansive. To suppress this information is to take away nature from humankind, and to supplant instinct with robotic control.
Astrology never gets media attention, why bring up a question that is five thousand years out of date?
Those of us who have studied,the Zodiac through deliberate observation, and have also studied history, art, archaeology, anthropology, literature, linguistics, and earth sciences find that the unifying backdrop of all of it, is the solar system and its measurable, eternal timing. There are precious few of us who have delved this thoroughly into the earth's story. Why didn't they ask me? Because I know the real story. And that one was a planted lie. Why now? What are we not supposed to know?
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