Earth and Moon

Earth and Moon
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Please Don't Tell Me How The Story Ends - Joan Osborne

As I contemplate the ridicule Astrology faces, I am thinking of my 32 years as a reader of charts and destinies. All we need to do to judge whether my astrology is working is to ask all the Leos and the Sagittarians and the Cancers if they could possibly be any other sign of the Zodiac, or want to change. Get your answers?
Now you know. Just ask some Leos. (you could ask other signs but the water signs hedge,or lie, and the earth signs will pretend not to know what you are talking about, and side with the critics, the air signs will just wonder if you are hitting on them)
Astrology uses the seasons, starting with the Spring Equinox on March 21st, as the measure of the Zodiac. Once upon a time it corresponded with the constellations of the same names. That was five thousand years ago. But it still works, it still ticks out the lives, the fortunes, the trials and the triumphs of every person I have ever met.
Astrology is a natural living real thing, and we are all a part of it. These items from Shakespeare are essential to opening up to any knowledge that purports to guide you or your life. from Hamlet: "this above all things, to thine own self be true, so then it follows as night to day, thou canst be false to anyone."
And ever a reminder,from Julius Caesar: " the fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars, but in ourselves.."
So I give you here in the light of the Full Wolf Moon of February, the final musing of an astrologer contemplating a farewell tour in Seattle, Washington, the town that taught me Astrology, gave me thousands of people to test it on, and blessed me with husband and children and friends. The most important rule I know in using Astrology, my astrology, keeping you as the signs you know you are-- is all here, in this, a song,
from Joan Osbourne--
"Please Don't Tell Me How the Story Ends...."
And trust me, I won't.


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