Earth and Moon

Earth and Moon
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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Ecipses and Earthquakes

The old rule in Astrology is, that on the degree of the Solar Eclipse will be a sensitivty that is volatile until a planet (not the Moon) crosses over that degree. My personal, astounding evidence of the proof of this rule is the eruption of, no less than Mount St. Helen's, in 1980. There was a Total solar eclipse that followed the path of the Columbia river on Feb 25, 1979. The degree was 7 Pisces, 49 minutes. On March the 20th, 1980, Mercury hovered in one of its stationary retrograde positions at 7 Pisces, 43 minutes, and the rumblings of the earthquakes under Mt. St. Helen's began. The big blow on May 18th followed those opening earthquakes, two months later.
Solar eclipses make a narrow, elongated shadow over a slice of geography that covers a strip of a few hundred miles in length and barely another hundred miles in width. The visibility of a solar eclipse is more, and can be seen from a region, say half the USA, or Northern China, or New Zealand, and a quarter of Australia, but the actual path is slight, and easily traceable. Lunar Eclipses are seen from one half of the globe and have a very different mechanism in visibility terms. Solar Eclipses are more powerful, and as we note, have much to do with the disturbances on earth and in the solar system in general. Lunar eclipses are indeed powerful for earth itself, and as they give us the tides, there are tides in our watery selves that move in the lunar month, from new to full. At new moons, we are thinner, less bloated, and unhydrated. At full moons, our flow of blood and fluid is maximized. Never have surgery at a full moon, in European medicine this is an established practice. In our country, intelligence has to be applied at all times by the self. The establishments will not pay attention. Watch the moon, it changes signs every three days, makes its quarter in seven days, and finishes the cycle every 28-29 days. Our whole biology is lunar regulated. The solar cycle runs our lives on an everyday basis, with light and dark, sleep and activity. The seasonal sun cycle is our annual renewal in each year of 365 days.
The eclipses of these bodies of the sun and the moon wipe out energies that we have not bothered to study for eons. But once, upon a time, in Chaco Canyon, every cycle of the moon was carved into the stones of the landscape.
Would the world like to know about targeted areas for earthquakes and violent storms and tsunamis? It is a question that this astrologer has pondered for all the years since Mt. St. Helen's. What brings it to mind is the lunar eclipse of New year's eve, 2010, and the magnitude 8 earthquake just days later in Port au Prince. Could we have known? would it have made a difference? Researchers want to know.

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