Earth and Moon

Earth and Moon
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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Full Cold Moon First Full Moon of 2011 January 18-19, 2011

The concentration of human emotion follows the monthly full moon cycles which span a time of 29-30 days. The Full Moon in January is the "Cold" moon, and intensifies the dynamic between Cancer, where the moon will be, as a sign of summer, abundance, warmth, beauty and ease, and Capricorn, where the sun is, as a sign of winter, barrenness,frost, starkness, and hardship. These two signs are the north and south, the father and the mother. The qualities we attribute to fathers are synonymous with Capricorn: authority, protection and status, as well as the qualities of winter. Then we assume that mothers are like Cancer, nurturing, sheltering, and receptive, added to the qualities of summer. In these two archetypal signs of the Zodiac and of the seasons are the hopes and expectations of every child. If the qualities of either one are missing or skewed in any sense we are lost, or hurt. If they are extreme and over-done we are spoiled or ruined. Whether we are born to parents who survive our beginning and thrive, or not, is said to rule our destiny, and our personalities.
In times like our own, with a swelling population greater than our planet has ever spawned, and having the powers to observe our effect, we feel deeply the mother/father relationship to life itself. Have we killed our mother? or wounded our father? In the full moon of mid-January emotions of a primary intensity arrive. The opposition of the sun and moon in Cancer/Capricorn are squared by the Saturn/Jupiter opposition in Aries/Libra. This is the grand Cardinal square. It captures all of the big four worries, house, job, marriage, and self. oh my. Or the four great achievements, home-making, career, harmony, and fulfillment.
Since the moon is our emotional barometer, feelings of the negative sort are likely to be acute. The sprees of spending that full moons normally bring about won't be in the hands of the mass of people. But the deep money, the kind that is the father of the world, the authority that runs at the fundamental level will be making important moves. Libra is where history is being made, and that will be alliances, partnerships and deals. Pluto in Capricorn indicates what resources are now at the most desired level. These are the core substances, metal, minerals, rock, and the nurturing earth itself. See if we can find out who really owns what. We would be amazed.
In your Full Cold Moon meditations, ask what you would care about at the ultimate trial. What would nurture you from depths of your needs? This full moon is the archetype of God, especially the one we have invented, who looks back at us. In awe and wonder. Pray for your water sources to be sacred forever.

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