Earth and Moon

Earth and Moon
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Monday, October 10, 2011

Full Hunter's Moon, shiver in the October air...

The events of the Aries Spring, called Arab Spring in the history of 2011, is now six months fermented, and a new long look is taking place. There is still one planet left in volatile and fiery Aries, the planet of modern times, the planet of revolution, and of the quantum leap. Uranus, 84 years to go once around the sun entered Aries this year, and it will stay for a total of seven years in that sign. What ho, the new beginnings, the revolutions, and for what? For the embodiment of the Aries icon, the right of an individual to be a free person, with self-determination, identity, and free will.
The other icon of Aries is the uprushing life that begins in nature every spring. The "new beginning" has begun, we cannot recognize the planet we once knew, the systems that once ruled, nor the uses of all the people we have created. What are we here for? Ah,the old question has a new urgency, because all the old reasons--left. And heat? Oh, yes we are feeling the Cardinal sign of Fire. Global warming will go the quantum leap in this next seven years.
Here in October, we are Libra, the balancing, considering connection. Now the Sun and Mercury, and Venus and Mars sit with ancient Saturn, all together in Libra, our view across the solar system to Uranus. Jupiter is relatively close to Uranus, and is the mighty beacon we see rise in the east each night, brilliant and huge. Jupiter serves as a reminder that we are being watched, that the eyes of the one behold the all. Today the all are contemplating the one.
Take for guidance the rules of the equinoctial signs. Equal days and equal nights, beginnings of spring meet the results of fall, the farmer goes to market, the plantings now are reaped; the weighing and the price are being set. All must reckon with the urge that started us upon our current path. It is our turn as Americans, to look with awe at what our compatriots have rebelled for, the rights they are demanding are not ours to own, rather ours not to relinquish.
Jupiter resides in Taurus, sign of gold and earthy worth. What a time to have money, there are so many valuable things to own right now, and at such bargains. Gold is not a good deal right now, buy land is, and consider land that supports life.
Look to the money patterns. Consider Bitcoin, a new invention in a time of change, all cyber money, and all online,with no banks, and no government behind it. As the financial pages state, money is basically trust. Do you trust land, or dollars, yen or euros? Interesting that the sign Taurus rules trust, and of course banks and money, gold and gems, art and everything valuable. But we have to trust the appraiser, that what is valuable, is. Jupiter in Taurus, go outside and look to the east after 7pm.

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