Earth and Moon

Earth and Moon
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Monday, April 27, 2020

Sun Uranus Conjunction, April 26th, 2020

    One time, each year, the Sun passes in front of our view of Uranus. Yesterday and today marked that illuminating event. We can expect some news, news of change, of truth illuminated.  Maybe we will see an invention of startling impact be launched right now.  Notice the information that comes to you today. It has a freshness, an awakening, and it is startling.  Today is a day that could change your year.  Thunder and lightning are all around as I write, and Uranus rules lightning, and the sign it is in, with the Sun, rules that echo of lightning on the land... Thunder... Taurus.
    The discovery of the Planet Uranus took us beyond the seeing of the human eye. We had to invent telescopes to see this planet, and it was found in the 1770's. Also, in that decade were made the first discoveries using electricity. And most famously, in that decade were the political revolutions of France and the Colonies that became the United States.
    It is a planet, then, of reversals... finding energies beyond our reckoning, seeing governments and systems overturned with violence and  permanent consequences. It is a planet of efficiency, as the energy of rolling is easier than rotating. It rules the place beyond visible structure, Saturn, and it crashes through barriers, rockets through space, and changes time.
    It is a planet that doesn't rotate on its axis, it rolls. Uranus is inverted 90 degrees to the elliptical plane, which is the flat horizon that holds the Sun at its center and all the planets of our solar system revolving around it.  Uranus rings are vertical, not horizontal. It is the harbinger of difference, of reversals, and yes, of revolutions!
    The corruption at the base of our changes today, will rot before it has time to fully destroy the mainsprings of life. It will not kill all the people but it will kill enough to make a gigantic difference.
Uranus entered the sign of money and value in May of 2018, two years ago. It disturbed the status quo, and it really changed MONEY.  Uranus spends seven years in each sign of the Zodiac. In Taurus, which rules the values of earth, the values of the time, and the value at the base of our barter systems, this planet will tear up the ground it shines on.
    The last time Uranus was in Taurus was 1935-1942. The New Deal. The war for oil. Then was when oil became the base of the barter system.We fought Germany and Japan for the energy to build and destroy.  Those seven years of destruction and  new technology are being revisited, and lo, .... oil has become cheap, valueless.  The Koch brothers, oil running through their veins, have no chance to save their investments in oil.
     Planets, evolution, the Ages of the Zodiac roll on, in spite of a marketplace.  The planets, in fact, will mirror the changes in the marketplace.  Take your stocks out of oil.  The new energies are already here, already growing, inevitable, like it or not.  The new age is water and air, electricity and wind.  Put your sights on the future, it will be lighter and brighter.

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