Earth and Moon

Earth and Moon
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Thursday, October 16, 2008

election Day 2008

The Sun in Scorpio, the traditional voting season for the US, represents the collective exchange of power. This is the most intense part of the Zodiac, including the icons of death, money, and regeneration. In northern hempisphere cultures it is both the new year and the time of the celebration of the dead. Our Elections consume enormous amounts of money, are built through campaigns of battles and sparring ideaologies, and often are decided by the sex factor. So, simple answer to 2008, who is sexier, a tall elegant Obama or a little old McCain? there is is, folks the biological imperitive chooses for the sustaining of the species, Obama.
Early in the day, Saturn will be high in the sky, denoting the old, the traditonal, and the historic. By the closing of the polls on the west coast, it will have reached the lowest nadir, and our new president will fulfill the innovative and revolutionary destiny of the United States. We will elect our first African-American to lead us into the new millenia.

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