Earth and Moon

Earth and Moon
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Who will be our next President of the USA?

Barack Obama has all the qualifications to fit the calendars of western Astrologers, including the Mayan. Since 1999 our times have called for Ethics. This replaces an age of Power dating back to 1632. The current time is a short one, and as our years since 1999 have proved, ethical indecision is costing us our planet.
Obama was born with Aquarius rising which fits the famous "cool" that he shows in his demeanor, as well as his sharpness in communication and his quickness in comprehending and articulating. His sun sign is Leo, which anchors the universality of Aquarius with unmistakable power and charisma. He is coming to office with the planets Saturn and Jupiter in very favorable transits.
He has all the attributes of a very great man, his chart shows a man of superior intelligence and destiny, endowed with a true sense of humor and natural courage. He is the first man of that rank we have seen in our generation.

McCain, has Libra rising and has lost irretrevable ground since the Mercury retrograde just finished in his 12th house, place of hidden agenda, secrets, treachery and behind the scenes action. Mars was with Mercury the day the phase began and will bring physical difficulties to an already deeply stressed Virgo sun sign. This sign has health issues, as in Presidents, Taft and LBJ. His are much more debilitating than he can overcome. Saturn, planet of old age is traveling across Mccain's Virgo planets and will deny him any thing that is not absolutely true. He is up against a much bigger master than politics now and through 2009. This is a very serious and difficult time for him.

1 comment:

nt Association of Rural Seamstresses said...

What a clear translation of what is happening in the presidential race. Thank you Johanna! And glad to see your new blog. I look forward to being a dedicated reader of you are the best.

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