Earth and Moon

Earth and Moon
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Full Hunter's Moon, Mercury Direct in Libra

All the stock market failures of the 20th and 21st centuries have occured during the planet Mercury's retrograde phase of motion. The recent one had many warnings in greater, more ponderous planets, however.
The key dates are the spring of 2000, when Jupiter and Saturn were exactly on the same degree in the sign of money (Taurus) and the commodity that backed world currency was decreed. Again, as in 1940 it was oil and oil supplies.
In 2003, Saturn entered Cancer, the sign of homes and of the USA money reserves,
at that time began the crush on the verity of home prices. In that year the value of property was correct, it has not been since then. Also this began the robbery and emptying of the US treasury which was not detected until November of 2007, when Mars began its retrograde cycle on those same degrees in Cancer where the US planets of wealth are.
Is there some reason why October is continually the month in which our stock market crashes? Libra is the season where the Sun each year crosses the US Saturn, planet of non-negotiable reality. And in years when that occurs during a retrograde of Mercury--no one can hide. And so we are facing our history making choices that came in 2000, and 2003-4. These were times when responsibility for housing and money were paramount in seeing our way to continued security of home prices, and of currency in the world market.
Instead of insuring our wealth, it was given to the nearest grabbers.

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