Earth and Moon

Earth and Moon
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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama's great destiny with the USA

Barack Obama has an almost perfect Presidential Chart. He has been referred to often during his campaign for office, as being and looking presidential. His balance of the two signs Leo and Aquarius could not be more perfect for our times and for the role of leader of the free world. Leo is a royal sign, symbolized by the Lion. Persons born under this sign have not always lived up to the ultimate dignity and responsibility of royalty, but Obama has wonderful mitigating facets, namely his Aquarius ascendant, which brings the universality of Aquarius, ruler of humankind, to extend his charismatic leonine qualities with perfect grace. At the hour of his birth,just up over the horizon, were two great planets: the giants, Jupiter and Saturn in their once-every-twenty-year-conjunction. These are the destiny pair, bringing responsibility and opportunity together, uniting those qualities for him in a way that accesses true spirit and makes his task a great one. This man has a contract, the kind we astrologers call fated, to lead and to rule. He has been preparing for lifetimes, for this role as leader of a nation that is supposed to be the champion of the Age of Aquarius. He leads at a time when his personality, his intelligence and his grasp of how to make those gifts useful can be appreciated. As all of us have chafed and suffered in the eight years of ruinous administration by Rove, Bush and Cheney--we can see today, that they were the years of punishment so that we could be prepared to accept greatness and real courage when it arrived in our midst.
One of the most uncanny things of all is this following phenomenon: Barack Obama was born with the 18th degree of Aquarius rising. In 1776, at 2:13 in the morning, on July the 4th, the Moon (of the USA) was at 18 degrees of Aquarius. Now the odds for that coincidence defy human calculation. The meaning of the Moon, is the soul, the emotions, the intuitive longing for why we wanted to be born. The United States was born with a soul longing to find an identity that matched our reflected reason for being. The USA Moon is the uppermost planet in our chart, the beacon to the world. In Aquarius it calls for Liberty, Equality and the Universal Hope that all peoples can communicate and live in harmony and usefulness together. This is the lamp that is lifted beside the golden door. It is our yearning to be free, and to share that freedom with each other. Today, in our United States of America, we have the embodiment, the manifestation of our ideal. His name is President Barack Obama. We are blessed beyond our deserving. So let us be his workers for this ideal, his army of citizens who lift ideals above greed, and hope above hate. Barack Obama's ascendant is exactly conjunct the United States' Moon. There is more about this man and the connections of his chart with the chart of the USA. It accounts for the profound emotion felt by of hundreds of thousands of Americans who have gathered whenever possible just to be in his presence. We haven't seen anything yet!

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