Earth and Moon

Earth and Moon
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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Palin's voice: stone deaf --Saturn conjuct Mars

This woman is the poster child for abortion. Her unheeding and irresponsible ways of bringing children into the world without intention and without devoted care, indicate the worst characteristics of detachment and coldness. Thoughtful and self preserving women since the beginning of time, have chosen to revoke a pregnancy instead of cause suffering for an unborn human and its primary parent. Souls cannot be created nor destroyed. The first principle of life, is that the soul enters the body with the first breath, and exits the body with the last one. To force people to reproduce against nature and against free will, is the beginning of enslavement on a primary level. In our time, we have seen women be liberated from this enslavement, freed from cruel and illegal abortions, and now we have a leader who is so against women, that she champions a cudgel that will reduce women to the enslavement that the 20th century so mercifully lifted.
Astrologers have deduced that she was born with Leo rising, and the Sun and moon in Aquarius.
With the sun in Aquarius, the astrology of her chart would assume that she would be modern, brainy, socially aware and ahead of her peers in understanding the needs of the whole of humanity. Well, what cancels those natural traits of her sun sign are the two Malignant planets right next to her sun, namely Mars, planet of violence, guns, maleness and force; and Saturn, ruler of obstacles, structure, and authority. No planet is a wrong one, but combinations can go wrong, bringing out the worst possibilities instead of the best. The indicator of how she is coming into focus right now is the transit of Saturn to her house of money and resources. In other words, this was a paid deal, and she is doing it for the money. Nothing new, but not exactly what we usually see in Aquarians, whose nature is altruistic, holistic and above all, humanitarian. McCain's planets meet hers in the house of money, and in the chart of the USA those degrees are the same as the USA Neptune, planet of illusions, treachery and dissolution of a chemical nature. The duo is appropriately rotten, and they will bring more stagnation to an already devastated country. That is why the politics of lies, insinuation and fear are their
standards and are carried as banners. In the old definition of the Republican principle, the ability to do the correct thing when the majority cannot agree, is their reason for existence. The tyranny of the all powerful is what this principle has become. We have seen it throughout history, and personally I think we are ready for the carts rolling to the guillotines, for the players on Wall Street. Sarah can pull the carts. She has the balls for it.

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