Earth and Moon

Earth and Moon
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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer Solstice 2012 New Moon in Cancer, water is the new oil.

         The Summer Solstice of 2012 jumps ahead this year (like the heat wave) and comes to us on June 20th at 6 09pm CST.
      This cardinal point in the sun/earth calendar marks the northernmost passage of the Solar Year, bringing us the longest day, and the shortest night. This year the moon will be just one day new and in the sign Cancer, a water sign of great immensity.  Water will be the oil of the future. Indeed, in our drought-haunted summers, which are the hottest on record in the USA, are making water the most important resource of our time. 
         Money is on the minds and in the conversations of everyone.  Money that exists is nervous, and why? Because what is backing world money? From 1940 to 2000 oil was the unquestioned resource, but twelve years ago, the short-sighted, numb-brained powers jumped in and re-declared that oil would stand.  But it hasn't. It is over, short and going on empty. Sure, there are a few moments left, but all can see the end.  No one likes endings. No one says they enjoy change, but as it trickles, change is upon us and temperatures are rising.  Not just the grass is dying but so are the trees. And it is only June.
       The world will not take care of us. It has become overwhelmed.  No one is managing to keep up at all, and in bureaucracies, the collapse is vast.  The time for entrepreneurship is here. We have to in every way provide for ourselves. Dig your own well, grow your own produce, and buy local. this way of life has gained so much momentum that it probably isn't realized as the current trend of survival. Now, the creation of our own work, the selling of basic goods, and the inventions of new technologies are the three things that are keeping the majority of us--employed. 
        Solstice is powerful, and this one calls for Water, and shows fire on the ground. Our community connections are all-valuable. Opportunity for making money will come right from our own tribes, neighborhoods, and close friends.  As we save ourselves, we are still bound in every way to the connections of our people.  Like-mindedness can exist in the working levels of towns and cities, doing what is best for each other will bring a great profit. A local, lasting means to profit comes the same way, in starting to do for ourselves, it is our close associates, maybe even our families who will sustain us as we provide for each other.
         Don't underestimate the power of water. Meditate on the Grand Canyon. It is also quite dry.

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