Earth and Moon

Earth and Moon
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Monday, June 11, 2012

Venus Transit of the Sun, Venus Retrograde, Values Reversing, Re-connecting

Every 18 months, in its 245 day orbit around the Sun, Venus appears to Earth perspective to reverse direction and  recede, retro-grading through degrees in space already transited. Five of these retrograde phases compose 8 years, and in the geometry of Venus orbit, creates a five pointed star in its track in space. Venus is associated with all of biological nature especially the fertility of spring. Venus' fruit is the apple, which has a five pointed center.
          During this cycle we are looking unusually deeply into layers of love, value and sharing. All our values are being reassessed, from business values, business evaluations, and the evaluations we are making in out own lives, weighing and taking extra time to asses all the factors. Have your portfolio reviewed and look for evaporation in places that have become obsolete. Expect a moving target as you look around for all the opportunities that are flux right now.  Nothing is quite safe anymore, because everything is changing and everything is linked.
Back up your materials, hard drives, and maybe on paper for some stuff. Especially account numbers that have money involved. Much is advancing and improving but the speeds are in uneven warp, and there are chaotic issues. Many of them. Nothing is perfect, all is moving.
Direct motion of Venus returns on June 29.  New ventures will be well to begin after that date.  Watch communications, and all of its components.  Venus retrogrades now in Gemini, sign of every networking device ever imagined. All exchanges are in retro action, allow yourself to reconsider, and be aware of odd lucky finds.

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